An unexpected change of mind. Clayton Echard seemed eager to trust his instincts during the second...
Category - TV
The Ultimate Guide To Sex And The City Revival
The year 2021 has been all about revivals of our favorite shows. Earlier this month, finally, the...
Sean Astin In Support Of The Lord Of The Rings Reboot By Amazon
The Lord of the Rings will always remain a classic in everyone’s heart. Recent exciting news tells...
Everything You Need to Know About Game of Thrones Prequel: House...
If there is one TV show that everyone has watched, it has to be Game of Thrones. While it has only...
The Best Netflix To Stream
Some locations around the world still have movie theaters shut down as part of the pandemic lock...
Watch The Falcon And The Winter Soldier On Disney+
Marvel has risen to the occasion to bring fans entertainment in spite of a pandemic that has kept...